Our Values
This year, we are working with the Association of Character Education on gaining recognition for our work as a school on developing children as well-rounded individuals. We have worked as a community to make sure that our school values are not just a paper list - we have looked at each value; mapped the qualities and thinking which would indicate a person holds this value; worked as a team to think about what these attributes would look like in children of different ages and, most importantly, mapped out the experiences we need to offer children during their time in our community to help them develop.
We also hold a 'values' assembly every week where we look at news and community stories as a vehicle to see our values in action and talk about them. One of the members of our parent community has illustrated our values beautifully for us to help children to learn and remember them. Our values are a core aspect of every aspect of our curriculum, thinking and policy-making.
Please click on each value below to find out more.