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Eco Excellence

A biodiversity event to remember!

A big well done to the 'Eco Royal Warriors' for planning and hosting a memorable community event on one of their chosen themes of biodiversity.

Parents and members of our local community (including representatives from the village biodiversity group!) came into school for the whole morning.

We gave a presentation on our projects and work so far and then we split into house groups and everyone took part in a carousel of biodiversity-themed activities including building water platters for bees, creating our own wooden bird-feeders to take home, getting up close with our new wild flower area and responding artistically to the riot of colour and also hunting for minibeasts in our school science garden.

We ended the event by making personal pledges towards our school eco code and also (importantly) eating lots of cake.

We are really proud to announce that we have also launched our own Easton Royal Warriors page of our school website and we would love you to read about our successes in detail.

Don't forget, there will be a chance to join the Eco Royal Warriors again in September 2024 (you can also join as a parent or community volunteer and we would love to see you - let's change the world as a community!).

You can see our new web page HERE